Lesson 1

Investigating Angles

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Before the Lesson

Prepare an area in your room for a Geometry Word Chart. This chart will provide a classroom record of the new words and concepts introduced over the course of the unit.

There are many new terms used to describe and analyze the properties of shapes in this unit. Below is a list of words newly introduced in this Lesson:

acute angle
obtuse angle
reflex angle
right angle

Students will record information and draw examples on chart paper for new vocabulary as it is introduced in each lesson. Information for each term can be consolidated onto sentence strips, if available. The goal is for the class to record the information using their words and drawings and for it to be available for reference throughout the unit. Figure 6 shows what the Geometry Word Chart may look like at the end of Lesson 1. See the Unit 9 Mathematics in this Unit section for details about the rationale and implementation of the Word Chart.