Lesson 11

Workshop: Shapes and Properties

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

Have students work with a partner to solve the following shape puzzles using their Power Polygon™ pieces. Ask students to explain how they decided on their solution. Some possible solutions are shown in Figure 3.

  • Use the green parallelogram (Piece G) and the yellow obtuse triangle (Piece J) to make a pentagon with one right angle.
  • Add a second green parallelogram (Piece G) to your design to make a pentagon with two right angles.
  • Put two of the brown right triangles (Piece F) together to make a parallelogram with no right angles.
  • Now put the two brown right triangles (Piece F) together in another way so you will have a parallelogram with four right angles.
  • What are some other names for the shape you just created? (It is a square, a rectangle, and also a polygon.)
  • Which one of the names is the one that tells us the most about the shape? (square) Why is this the best name? (It gives the most information. We know that it has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles.)

After students have finished finding solutions to these puzzles, invite them to make up their own puzzles to share with the class. Remind them to use the properties they have learned to help them make their puzzle.

One possible response for each shape puzzle