Lesson 1

Investigating Angles

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1. Where Are the Angles?

Introduce the unit by asking students about their prior experiences with angles.

  • What are some examples of angles? (the corners of a desk, the corners of a piece of paper)
  • What angles can you find in the classroom? (Students may name only right angles, such as corners of walls, floors, desks, chairs, etc. Challenge students to look for angles that are not right angles, such as those created by leaning books, scissors, etc.)
  • What do all the angles you talked about have in common with each other? (They all have two lines that meet at one point.)

Have students make quick drawings of two or three other angles they see in the room. Ask students to show their drawings to a partner and explain where the angle is in the picture. Have one or two students share their drawings with the whole class.

Students work in pairs to answer Questions 1–4 in the Investigating Angles pages in the Student Guide. In Question 1, students find the number of interior angles in each of the polygons.

  • What do you notice about the number of angles each shape has? (It is the same as the number of sides.)
  • Are all the angles in each shape the same size? (In some of the shapes, all the angles are the same size; in other shapes they are not the same size.)

Questions 2 and 3 ask students to compare the relative size of angles in each of the shapes. The triangle in Question 1F has the smallest angle. Students may explain that the angle is the smallest because it is very sharp, or the “sides are closer together.” Similarly, the pentagon in Question 1C has the largest angle. Students may justify this choice by saying that the angle in this shape is “nearly straight” or “very wide.” Help students describe angles in this way so that they begin to establish visual imagery for angle size.

Question 4 asks students to identify the shapes from the list with right angles in them. At this point, students visually inspect the shapes for angles that look like they are right angles (i.e., the shapes in Questions 1B, 1C, 1E, 1F, and 1H).

You may assign Questions 1–4 in the Homework section of the Student Guide.
