Lesson 6

Workshop: Angles and Lines

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Before the Lesson

Prepare for the Workshop. Review student work and progress from previous lessons to guide instructional decisions about the following Expectations:

Use addition and subtraction to find unknown angles.
Classify acute, obtuse, and right angles.
Identify points, rays, lines, and line segments.
Draw and identify intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines.
Estimate the size of an angle using 90°, 180°, and 360° as benchmarks.

In Part 2 of the lesson, students will identify their level of confidence with a particular concept and choose problems from a Workshop Menu. Use your own evaluation of students' progress to help guide their choices.

Plan to organize the class into partners or small groups based on the problems they select. These groups may change as the workshop progresses.

Quilts. A quilt is a blanket, but it can also be a work of art. American pioneers made quilts. They were often made very economically from scraps of fabric (patches) and pieces could be replaced as they became worn. Other quilts were carefully planned with fabrics, designs, and colors chosen to be pleasing to the eye. Quilts were sewn by hand, requiring tremendous amounts of time. Sometimes women would work on a quilt together to make the work go faster. This was also a way to get together socially while still getting their work done.