Lesson 5

Angles in Polygons

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2. Measuring Angles in Polygons

Explore Power Polygons™. Distribute protractors and envelopes with the Power Polygons™ to students. Polygons are shown in Figure 2. Allow students plenty of time to explore the shapes individually.

  • Are all of these shapes polygons according to our definition? (Yes; they all have sides that are line segments connected at endpoints. Each endpoint meets the endpoint of just one other side. There is no overlap.)
  • What different kinds of angles do you see in the shapes? (right, acute, and obtuse angles)
  • What do you notice about the “sharpness” of these different kinds of angles? (Acute angles feel sharp. Obtuse angles do not feel as sharp or “pointy.”)
  • What other shapes can you make by putting the polygons together?

Allowing students a few minutes to “play” with the polygons will help them focus more when using the shapes for the directed activities to follow. This is also a good opportunity to remind students about safety. Since some of the pieces have points that are relatively sharp, students should be careful when handling the Power Polygons™.

Measure Polygon Angles. Read with the class Question 1 on the Measuring Polygon Angles page in the Student Activity Book. Students use their protractors to measure the angles of the small green triangle (N). This may be done using the actual polygon, though it may be easier to use the drawing of the shape on the page. Students will notice that the line segments in this shape do not extend far enough to measure the angles directly with the protractor.

  • How can you make an accurate measurement of these angles?

Allow students to experiment with methods to solve this problem on their own. By extending the line segments using the ruler edge of the protractor, a more accurate angle measurement can be made as shown in Figure 3.

  • Does extending the line segments change the size of the angle? (No; the “wideness” of the angle remains the same, no matter how long the line segments are.)

By visual inspection, students may decide that all the angles in the green triangle have the same degree measure. Have them measure all three angles to test this assumption.

Students work with partners to complete Questions 2 and 3. In Question 2, students find the angle measures of the blue rhombus (M). For this shape and others to follow, students may find shortcuts to find the angle measures, since many can be figured out by placing shapes with known angle measures on top of other shapes. For example, Figure 4 shows how two green triangles combine to make a blue rhombus.

Students continue in this way to find the angle measures of all the shapes shown (Question 3). After individually writing explanations for two of their shortcuts (Questions 4 and 5), have several students share their answers and the shortcuts they used to find them. Lead a classroom discussion to verify and compare these shortcuts.

Ask students to complete Questions 6 and 7. Students analyze the shortcuts used to measure angles and are introduced to the use of number sentences to represent how angles are put together. Students will practice and explore this representation more later in the lesson.

Regular Polygons. Read with the class the sentence about regular polygons above Question 8. Now ask students to work with partners to sort all 15 of their Power Polygons™ into two groups: one with only regular polygons and one with only shapes that are not regular polygons. If needed, students may look at their angle measures from Questions 1–3 to help them decide. Have students answer Questions 8–10 to show examples of sorted polygons and explain their reasoning. Have a student share his or her sort of all the polygons with the class and compare it with the rest of the class.

Power Polygons™
Extending a line segment to measure an angle in a polygon
Using two small green triangles (N) to find the angle measures of the blue rhombus (M)