Lesson 5

Angles in Polygons

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Summarizing the Lesson

Use the Geometry Word Chart to summarize the lesson. The word “polygon” was already added to the chart at the beginning of the lesson. The following terms were also introduced in this lesson. Add these words to the chart and have students represent each with pictures and words:


regular polgyon

right triangle

acute triangle

obtuse triangle

Allow students in the class to discuss, revise, and elaborate on the representations as they are being added to the chart.

Distribute and assign the Lines, Angles, and Polygons Quiz Assessment Master.

Students may have trouble starting Question 12 on the Lines, Angles, and Polygons Quiz. Use the following questions to help them:

  • What is the sum of all the angles in a triangle? (180°)
  • If all the angles in triangle UVW are the same size, what is the size of one angle? (60°)
  • What is the size of TUV? (90°)
  • What is the size of SVU? (90°)

Use the Lines, Angles, and Polygons Quiz Assessment Master with Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to classify acute, obtuse, and right angles [E2]; use addition and subtraction to find unknown angles [E1]; identify points, rays, lines, and line segments [E3]; draw and identify intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines [E4]; estimate angle size with benchmarks [E11]; and use a protractor to measure angles [E12].

Use Question 10 on the quiz to assess students' abilities to check answers for reasonableness [MPE3] and use labels [MPE6].

Targeted practice for Expectations E2, E3, and E11 is in the Workshop in Lesson 6. The Angle Circle Activity in Lesson 3 can also provide targeted practice.